4 steps to neutralize your limiting beliefs
Self Development

4 steps to neutralize your limiting beliefs

Learn how to identify and overcome limiting beliefs that hold you back. Discover practical steps and coaching techniques to transform your mindset and achieve personal growth
February 12, 2025
min read

You’ve Read Countless Self-Help Articles, But Your Beliefs Still Hold You Back

You've probably lost count of the self-help books and articles you've read. But despite scouring the web, your problems remain unsolved, and your beliefs cling to you like gum stuck under a school desk.

Let’s be honest: if you expect this article to turn you into a 2.0 version of yourself, you might as well spend the next few minutes binge-watching Netflix. Spoiler alert: the road to change is long, and it starts with understanding the problem. If you're still reading, you're already on the right track.

Today, we're not offering a makeover but a new perspective on yourself.

If you feel like you're always dragging the same issues behind you without resolving them, the EMPOWERED program might be for you. This online course is designed to help you build lasting confidence by identifying and replacing limiting beliefs with constructive ones. This isn’t about passively consuming content; it’s about applying actionable exercises to transform your everyday life.

Now, let’s dive into the steps to gently (but surely!) free yourself from limiting beliefs.

Identify the Limiting Belief Holding You Back

You may have noticed this the hard way: getting up at 5 a.m. and repeating positive affirmations aren’t enough to change the beliefs that hold you back. In our rush to find THE method to quickly overcome our blocks, we often forget that it's a long-term process.

Take a common belief: "I can’t pursue my dream project right now because I don’t have the time/money/right conditions."

This belief often forms from a mix of personal experiences and social norms. We convince ourselves because it's what our parents believe, or because uncertainty and financial risk scare us. We end up prioritizing that unfulfilling job that pays the bills over chasing our dreams.

These stacked beliefs create a sense of certainty. So, before you search for a magic formula to kickstart your project, begin by identifying which limiting belief is holding you back. What you consider a certainty is often just a belief, and we’re all skilled at maintaining our thought patterns.

As Richard Thibodeau wisely says:

“Beliefs create reality, and reality confirms our beliefs.”

Understand How Limiting Beliefs Work

To tackle your limiting beliefs, start by understanding where they come from. What in your life has led you to think this way?

Imagine you struggled with spelling as a child. Teachers who gave you low grades or pitied you made you believe you were terrible at French, even though you loved writing and had a vivid imagination. You wanted to be a writer, but that dream seemed unattainable, so you chose a safer, less fulfilling career.

You began to accumulate beliefs such as:

  • Belief in powerlessness: "I’m bad at French, so I can’t become a writer."
  • Belief in inability to change: "No matter what I do, nothing will change."
  • Negative self-image: "I’m not capable."

Add to this our natural tendency to stick to our comfort zone to avoid failure, and you see why it’s easier not to question what we believe.

But that’s simply not true: you’re neither inadequate, too old, nor too busy. Understanding this is crucial.

Ask the Right Questions to Neutralize a Limiting Belief

Now that you’ve found the hidden bomb, it’s time to defuse it. Spare yourself the guilt—you might feel that this belief has cost you time, but every belief initially acts as a protective mechanism. It helped you move forward at that moment.

Next, you need to question the origin of this belief deeply:

  • Where does this belief come from? If you had to date it, when did it start?
  • Was it repeated to you many times? If so, by whom? What’s your relationship with this person?
  • Have you ever verified this belief yourself? If so, when? Under what circumstances? Could you test it ten times and get the same result?
  • Or perhaps it’s been proven? If so, by whom and when? Does that still hold true?

By asking these questions, you’ll start to collapse the house of cards that are your limiting beliefs.

Work on Your Limiting Beliefs Daily

A limiting belief isn’t just a ball and chain—it’s also a comforting crutch, something to cling to when needed.

In their book Limiting Beliefs, coaches Barry Johnson and Mandy Geal remind us that:

  • Beliefs can help us accept things we can’t control.
  • Beliefs provide a sense of certainty.
  • Together, these give us the impression of control and choice.

That’s why breaking free from limiting beliefs is tough, even when we know they’re false and stifling our potential. Like most people, you might find yourself holding onto beliefs even as you try to shed them.

This is the paradox of limiting beliefs. As soon as you start questioning them, your mind creates resistance, manifesting as anxiety, stress, or anger. It can be uncomfortable at first.

To finally knock out your limiting beliefs, try following the belief transformation cycle:

  1. Remind yourself that the belief masquerades as truth, anchoring itself in your reality and justifying your behaviors.
  2. Understand that it affects how you act and feel and that you can challenge it.
  3. Explore its origins.
  4. Open up to different opinions and perspectives.

Gradually, you’ll start recognizing the thoughts that hinder your full potential and learn to neutralize them.

If you need a serious boost in identifying and changing your limiting beliefs, the EMPOWERED online course offers coaching protocols and practical exercises. Created and led by David Laroche, it’s based on thousands of hours of coaching across diverse profiles

CEO of Paradox, coach to top performers and advisor to top executives. In France and abroad, David's clients include Olympic champions, serial entrepreneurs, film actors, singers and CNRS doctor-researchers.

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